2023.08.21【最大8,000PAO進呈】スマート会員に入会・増額で家賃割引きに使えるポイントをゲット!【GET 8,000 PAO as a reward!】Join for a Smart Membership or increase your Smart Membership rank and earn points that can be redeemed for discount on your rent.
Step 1. オークハウスHPのマイページから「スマート会員について」を選択
Step 2. ページ内の「スマート増額フォーム」より必要事項を記入して申請を提出
Step 3. 指定した入金日にしたがって保証金を入金してください
Step 4. 後は着金の連絡を待つだけ!保証金額に従い自動的に家賃が割引金額に変更されます。
- 2023/8/21-9/20の間に入会、増額をした方全員が対象です。
- 2023/8/20時点で入会中の方は、退会し、再度入会しても新規入会とはなりません。8/20時点の入会状況が基準になります。
- 期間中の新規入会者は、増額特典の対象にはなりません。
- お申込みとお預け入れの両方がオークハウス側で確認できましたらお申込み完了です。入会の申し込みだけ、または預け入れ金のご入金だけではスマート会員の入会とはなりませんのでご注意下さい。
- 期間中に増額した回数ではなく、あくまで期間中にどのランクまでランクアップしたかでポイントの進呈額を決定いたします。
- 2023/9/21-10/9を集計期間とします。その間にキャンペーン期間よりもランクが下がる減額をした場合や、スマート会員を退会した場合はPAOポイント進呈の対象者ではなくなりますのでご注意下さい。
- 2023/9/21以降に入会、増額をしてもポイントの対象者とはなりませんのでご注意下さい。
- 10月10日ごろに対象者の皆様へメールにて進呈額をお知らせし、PAOポイントを付与させていただきます。
- スマート会員の対象外物件に入居中の方はスマート会員へご入会いただけませんのでご注意下さい。
- このキャンペーンで進呈するPAOポイントは換金できません。
【GET 8,000 PAO as a reward!】Join for a Smart Membership or increase your Smart Membership rank and earn points that can be redeemed for discount on your rent.
We will be launching the new “Smart Membership Enrollment and Deposit Boost Campaign”
from August 21, 2023. During the campaign period, we will be offering up to 8,000 PAO as a reward based on the amount deposited by new Smart Members or increased rank for Smart Membership.
*1 PAO is equivalent to 1 Yen to be able to redeem for discount on your rent.
A membership system where you can reduce your rent by depositing money to us!
Upon joining, depending on your membership rank, you will receive a monthly rent discount of -400 yen for each rank! When you reach the highest rank of 40, you will receive a monthly discount of -16,000 yen! For more details, please refer to the link below.
【Campaign Overview】
◆New Member Enrollment Bonus
Members who are newly enrolled will receive PAO based on their membership rank.
◆Membership rank Increase Bonus
For those who are already Smart Members and choose to increase their deposit amount, PAOs will be awarded in accordance to the membership rank you have chosen to.
・If you upgrade from Rank 36 to Rank 40, which is increased by 4 ranks, you will receive +1,000 points.
・If you upgrade from Rank 5 to Rank 25, which is increased by 20 ranks, you will
receive +2,000 points.
・If you upgrade from Rank 1 to Rank 40, which is increased by 39 ranks, you will receive +5,000 points.
【Campaign Period】
From August 21st, 2023 to September 20th, 2023.
【How to register the Campaign】
All individuals who are newly enrolled as Smart Members or increase their deposit amounts will receive PAO. There is no entry form or process for the campaign.
【Steps for Applying as a Smart Member】
Step 1. Select “About Smart Membership” from your Oakhouse HP My Page.
Step 2. Complete and submit the application through the “Smart Deposit Increase Form” on the page, and provide the required details.
Step 3. Deposit on the specified payment date.
Step 4. All that’s left is to wait for confirmation of the deposit! Your rent will be automatically adjusted to the discounted amount based on the deposit made.
★Important Notes
Please be aware for the following points:
- The campaign applies to all individuals who enroll or increase their deposit between 2023/8/21 and 2023/9/20.
- Individuals who are already enrolled as of 2023/8/20 and subsequently cancel and re-apply will not be eligible as new enrollments. The enrollment status as of 8/20 will be the reference.
- New enrollees during the campaign period will not be eligible for the deposit increase bonus.
- Completing the application and deposit both are necessary for Oakhouse to confirm membership. Mere application or deposit alone will not result in Smart membership.
The points awarded will be determined based on the highest rank achieved during the campaign period, not the number of deposit increases. - The aggregation period for evaluation is from 2023/9/21 to 2023/10/9. Individuals who lower their rank or withdraw from Smart membership during this period will no longer be eligible for PAO point rewards.
- Enrolling or increasing deposit after 2023/9/21 will not make one eligible for the points.
- Around October 10th, eligible individuals will receive an email notifying them of the reward amount, and PAO points will be granted accordingly.
- Individuals residing in properties not covered by Smart membership are not eligible to enroll as Smart members.
- The rewarded PAO points in this campaign cannot be converted into cash.